3 Newbies Share What Surprised Them about the AV Industry

By Rachel Quetti, web editor for Commercial Integrator


Three AV professionals from Sensory Technologies, Shen Milsom & Wilke LLC and Adtech Systems discuss what surprised them most about working in AV compared to industries they’ve had previous careers in.


People love working in the AV integration industry. And that’s not a blanket statement.


Commerical Integrator interviewed a group of integrators just last year and asked them what they loved most about working in the AV industry. Responses ranged from enjoying the excitement that comes with working in an ever-evolving industry to having the ability to deliver solutions to truly solve customers’ needs.


However, it’s a unique industry. There are deeply embedded, seldom questioned business practices that can be quite surprising to professionals who have transitioned into integration from other industries.


To learn a bit more about what it’s like working in the AV industry, we’ve interviewed three AV professionals. But these aren’t just any three integrators. What is unique about this trio is the fact that they didn’t start out in the AV industry…


Read the entire article at CommercialIntegrator.com



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