Shen Milsom & Wilke is an AIA CES Approved Provider. We are continuously adding classes so please check back! To schedule a course with some of our experts, please reach out to the contact nearest to you:
This course is intended to provide an overview of the importance of acoustic design in healthcare environments. Issues of sound isolation, background noise, privacy, and reverberation can improve overall acoustic comfort and promote healing. Acoustic consultants help the design team in meeting quantitative acoustic goals established by the Facilities Guidelines Institute (FGI).
This course will provide an overview of acoustical design as it relates to room acoustics, sound isolation and building system noise control. Criteria and design concepts to achieve desired acoustical functionality will be discussed.
The acoustical environment we work in plays a key role in the area of comfort and productivity. This course will explain the acoustical tie in for example with the WELL certification and demonstrate some strategies for noise mitigation in interior spaces. Because noise has a documented impact on health and comfort, interior spaces whether open plan, private offices, or MEMO (Maker Environments Mobile Occupants) should ultimately be designed with the proper acoustics for quiet focus, speech intelligibility, and speech privacy where appropriate.
This course examines the accommodations for hearing-impaired individuals in audiovisual systems, with particular attention to inductive loop systems. Regulatory issues, personal impact on individuals, and technical requirements will be discussed.
Workplace design today needs to be more open, more flexible, and more easily adaptable because the worker and work habits have changed. Architects are driven to design spaces for clients who wish to have increased employee communication and increased access to all forms of information sharing, especially including employee-owned devices. Open offices and glass conference spaces are terrific solutions for fostering communication and achieve LEED goals of day-lighting strategies, but they create some challenges in terms of noise conditions. Huddle spaces, benching, and bars require support for workers wanting to collaborate using electronic media. This course will explore special acoustical detailing created for glass conference rooms and solutions for disparate adjacencies in an open office plan. It will also provide a tutorial on what technology solutions are being developed for the worker that doesn’t stay in one place anymore.
This course will explore the link between learning and hearing in the classroom, and how to provide learning environments that are quiet so students and teachers can effectively communicate with each other.
This course will explain the various differences, challenges, and benefits between more traditional fixed lecture based instruction and various flexible learner based environments, including: TEAL, Active, Flexible, Team Based, and Scale Up. The program will also illustrate LEED for acoustics principles and the link between learning and hearing in the classroom.
Many challenges exist when designing for public spaces and one critical area is Speech Intelligibility. The architectural design and selection of finishes has a great impact on the capability of any public address loudspeaker system distinct from any system performance characteristics. This presentation will review the design process, acoustical modeling, and testing results outlining the issues associated with meeting the NFPA 72 Common Intelligibility Score suggested goals. In Speech Intelligibility, crucial to achieving ADA compliance, electronic systems and loudspeaker designs can only accomplish so much without architectural acoustical finishes as part of the design.
This course will provide an in-depth look at emerging technology trends in cultural and educational institutions, and how these trends affect architecture.
An overview of the impact of evolving Environmental, Societal, Governance (ESG) requirements on architectural projects and work methods.
This course is intended to create a dialogue that informs of the various differences, challenges and benefits between more traditional fixed lecture based instruction and various flexible learner based environments, including: TEAL, Active, Flexible, Team Based, and Scale Up.
This course is intended to outline strategies for improving academic performance of K-12 students by providing standard acoustical design treatments in learning environments.
This course is designed to outline acoustics parameters for good classroom design and how to apply these parameters to a variety of learning environments and teaching styles. In addition, several real case studies will be reviewed demonstrating practical approaches for improving acoustics.
This course will provide an in-depth look at medical equipment planning & information technology as focal points of healthcare construction projects, and the development of strategies to address related issues and challenges from the Architectural and Client perspectives.
The elements involved in developing an equipment plan in a new or existing healthcare facility, are multi-faceted and ultimately complex. This course will demonstrate how medical equipment affects the design of the space, and how BIM works with ME Planning and the five most important aspects of Equipment Planning affecting the outcome and bottom line of a healthcare project.
This course is designed to identify the types of medical environments simulated, teach how these environments are used to enhance learning, and show how these spaces shape AV and network infrastructure design.
This course will identify trends and planning decisions that shape eSports facilities in the education market. The course will give a background of eSports, the sectors that it affects, and the outcomes that can be achieved in terms of early development considerations of design teams, space planning, technology solutions, and a facility’s impact on campus. Additionally, this course will look into the most relevant technology and acoustics elements, and their relationship to the physical design and operation of these unique facilities.
This course is designed to facilitate collaboration between architects and security design consultants. The course will cover topics such as the importance of aesthetics in choosing security technologies and applying security methodologies to new construction projects. Further topics shall include the importance of coordination on door hardware/openings, as this directly affects security design and operational flows of the building(s), using natural elements for security purposes in terms of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED), security space planning for control devices such as turnstiles, elevator destination dispatch or hall/cab access control, and other areas.
This course will identify future workforce trends shaping technology and space planning decisions, covering the five most relevant system elements, and their relationship to the physical design of facilities. Stepping through open seating work stations, huddle spaces and conference rooms, this presentation will construct the design of a unified physical collaboration strategy including cafes and reception areas. The course will cover the impact of cloud services, data visualization, augmented and virtual reality on space planning, and six tools for improving capacity planning and the productivity of the Nomadic workforce.
There are numerous technology and acoustical challenges in the design and construction of today’s meeting spaces. Through extensive consulting experience and many lessons learned, this course will help guide architects and interior designers through best practices to create user-friendly, technologically advanced spaces for their Clients.
With the demand for hybrid workplaces and learning spaces, owners need to react to the needs of both local and remote participants. Technology plays a vital role in the design of these hybrid spaces in efforts to provide equitable experiences no matter where you are working or learning from.
This course covers technology trends shaping space planning decisions, such as the impact of hybrid work on digital and physical workplace strategies. We will review traditional and latest-generation meeting spaces, how artificial intelligence (AI) is contributing to productivity, and how space planners can reinforce the effectiveness of collaboration throughout the office.
This course will explore methodologies, using case studies, that exhibit various ways Acoustics, Security, Multimedia, Medical Equipment Planning and Telecommunications design are adding value to sustainable building design and LEED.