SM&W Contribution
Shen Milsom & Wilke (SM&W) teamed with HDR Architecture to design the acoustics for this new hospital that encompasses a Level I Trauma Center with 258 certified inpatient beds, providing augmented emergency and critical care services to the Jefferson County population. The programmatic elements included a 379-stall parking structure, a central utilities plant to support the building’s operational demands, and a helipad strategically positioned atop the bed tower for emergency evacuation logistics.
As the site is located adjacent to Interstate 70, SM&W’s services include preconstruction surveys of groundborne vibration and environmental noise. Vibration control was a concern throughout the project for the protection of sensitive equipment such as MRI’s due to location and the adjacency to mechanical equipment.
Isolation of the patient rooms below and exposure to the approach and departure of the emergency helicopter traffic was addressed in addition to the normal sound isolation required to meet HIPPA Standards. The patient rooms included the integration of prefabricated bathroom units as part of the sound isolation demising construction.
Lobby and patient support space was carefully tailored to provide a positive yet calming environment.